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The Bishops Avenue Paradox

Updated: 5 days ago

The Bishops Avenue in London, also known as 'Billionaire's Row', is the most expensive road in the world. Houses sell for over £70 million, and some have gold-plated swimming pools and helipads. The avenue is a permanent building site as construction companies endlessly tear houses down and rebuild them even bigger. Yet no-one lives there. No-one ever enters or leaves the houses. The houses are surrounded by barbed wire, security cameras and there are 24/7 security patrols. It is owned by overseas investors, oligarchs and Middle Eastern companies. One house was the scene of a murder that was never solved, but it is likely that the wife staged a break in and murdered her husband with silver tipped bullets – one is still lodged in the wall. The road is full of squatters. Its existence seems to be in order to serve those who want to launder their illegally acquired riches and avoid tax. Yet this road is one that we all aspire to live on. It’s not even pleasant to drive down, being full of potholes and having a 60 mph speed limit and countless construction vehicles.


In the Ten Commandments in the Bible in Exodus 20:17 it states “You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.”


Why do we feel comfortable in our home? Our home should be a place of ease. We are with those with whom we share a bond, can open our hearts, and be ourselves.

The Toprak Mansion on 'Billionaire's Row'


Don’t envy your neighbour. It’s not just a line in the Bible. You never know what is going on for them. Many owners will have sacrificed their families in order to acquire the riches that they have accumulated. Most owners never even visit their house on The Bishops Avenue, or perhaps have one of their children living there, unemployed and feeling very alone – the essence of a dysfunctional family, with family feuds, rifts, mental illness (half of the population) and drug addiction being rife. Behind every overly ornate door there is struggle and a tragic human story.


Looking at big mansions, at times we feel that people inside must be happier and more comfortable than we are. This isn't always true. The size of the house doesn't always determine comfort and joy. What defines it is our relationship with those we live with whom we love.

A study of the top ten richest people in America was conducted in the 1930s. They followed them up for decades. They found that every single one of them had undergone personal tragedy, whether it be divorce, mental illness, drug addiction within their immediate family, and legal battles with their close family. Riches come at a price unless you can look inside and find joy first.


Instead of coveting these houses, aim to build a deep and strong relationship with those who are a part of your home. When there is love and harmony at home, even the smallest space feels like paradise. Without connection, even the biggest space becomes an unwelcoming façade. No amount of money can buy a life. Joy and love are the measure of our success. Wealth is a side effect of inner joy, not the other way around.



Sending you love, light, and blessings brothers.

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See you soon,

Olly Alexander Branford MBBS, MA(Cantab), PhD

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I have a Bachelor's degree in Natural Sciences from Trinity College, Cambridge; a Master's Degree in Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge; a PhD Doctorate in Scientific Research from University College London (UCL); a Medical Degree (MD/MBBS) from The Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, London and have been a doctor and reconstructive trauma and cancer surgeon in London for 20 years. I have published over 50 peer reviewed scientific journal articles, have been an associate editor and frequent scientific faculty member, and am the author of several scientific books. I have been awarded my Diploma in Transformative Life Coaching in London, which has International Coaching Federation (ICF) Accreditation, as well as the UK Association for Coaching (AC), and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). I have been on my own transformative journey full time for four years and I am ready to be your guide to you finding out who you really are and how the world works.

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